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West Kempsville Youth Athletics

West Kempsville Youth Athletics

Zero Tolerance Policy

Zero Tolerance Policy

Mission Statement

West Kempsville Youth Athletics (WKYA) is developed and organized to provide an age appropriate recreational sports environment. Each program supports youth development, enhancing emotional, physical, social and cognitive development, while providing a fun experience with positive role models that serve as coaches, assistant coaches, team parents and league staff.

Our goal is to provide each child with a safe and fun learning environment in which to develop skills in the sport they are participating in while promoting youth fitness and enjoyment. It is the desire of WKYA to provide an opportunity for all children to participate in youth sports if it is their wish to do so.

Our sports programs are recreational / instructional in nature. Sports, by definition, are competitive; however, our programs stress safety and fun, as well as the basic skill building and good sportsmanship of each participant. A "Win at all costs" attitude will not be embraced by anyone associated with WKYA.

Each program's objective, policies, and procedures are a direct result of community input from youth, parents, coaches, and league administrators. Volunteers are the heartbeat of our association and are the single most important asset to our overall success.

Policy Overview / Objective

To assist in building good ‘character’ in all of our children. WKYA feels it is the coaches and parents’ responsibility to teach all children proper character when accepting an official’s call, acting in a sportsman like manner at all times, only saying positive things to your teammates and opposing team members. There are far too many examples of parents and coaches getting caught up in winning and forget the game you are involved in belongs to the kid’s. Your child is watching your reaction. Think before you act.

  1. a)  Guidelines to institute and enforce a “ZERO TOLERANCE” approach to poor behavior displayed by parents and spectators.

  2. b)  All Coaches are held to the same standards under WKYA’s Coaches Code of Ethics Policy, which is signed by each participant prior to the start of the season.

Zero Tolerance Rules:

    1. a)  Nobody (not a parent, child, spectator, coach or assistant) may approach a referee, umpire, or gym supervisor to argue a call or play made. There is an established  
             process to protest a game if a situation develops, the coach will handle this.
    2. b)  Any actions, statements, or behavior by players, coaches, or spectators that are disrespectful to anyone present shall NOT be tolerated. This includes comments directed
             towards game officials relative to their decisions. Even casual comments such as “Awe, come on, Ump!” Or “That was a foul!” will not be tolerated.
    3. c)  No individual is to say anything to opposing players unless it is a positive comment.

    4. d)  All parents must sign a Zero Tolerance Register, which acknowledges that you have
              read and understand your obligation(s) under WKYA Zero Tolerance Policy.

    5. e)  No child may play until their parents have signed the Register with the coach.

Violation of Rules

  1. a)  Anyone breaking any of the above rules and/or creating a scene will be asked by the game official(s) and/or WKYA Board Member to leave the game. At this point you must leave the court or field immediately.

  2. b)  The game will not continue until said person departs completely.

  3. c)  All other spectators are asked to refrain from comments directed at that person as it may

    result in their being asked to leave also.

  4. d)  The Game Official and/or WKYA Board Member shall direct the situation.

  5. e)  Game Official and/or WKYA Board Member shall document the situation for review by the WKYA Board of Directors.

  6. f)  Upon review by WKYA, further penalties may apply such as a one game suspension or banned for the entire season.

  7. g)  Serious cases may include being banned from playing at WKYA permanently.


  1. a)  Questionable calls may be made and as adults, it is our responsibility to teach the kids to react with good sportsmanship and play on.

  2. b)  Disrespectful conduct teaches poor sportsmanship to the players.

  3. c)  First and foremost, coaches should be teaching the players by example.

  4. d)  If a coach makes comments about balls and strikes or fouls, the kids on his team will learn to do the same thing.

  5. e)  Parents should take the responsibility to speak to the coach or talk to a board member if they don’t like the behavior of any coach. 

Policy Number: 0010
Name: Zero Tolerance
Revision: 21 August 2013 


West Kempsville Youth Athletics
PO Box 65236 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23467

Email: [email protected]

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